Radio Kaleidoscope – Clarification, TimeLine
Radio Kaleidoscope was the longest running land-based pirate radio station of its time spanning a total of 10 years.
The original Radio Kaleidoscope’s popularity and rising success was due to its audiences’ keenness to hear an alternative Radio music station. With so few UK broadcast stations in the 60’s and the government’s campaign to close down the offshore pirate stations Radio Caroline , Radio London, Radio Lazer, RNI etc. Radio kaleidoscope quickly gained a large captivated audience, many offering their family homes as future broadcast sites. Top DJ’s of the day Mike Baker, Andy Archer, Jim Randall, Steve Allen, Robin Adcroft, Larry Tremaine and the first female DJ Kathy Jeanette, soon joined Radio Kaleidoscope helping to further raise the stations popularity and standards. |
1967-1973: Radio Kaleidoscope-I![]()
1973-1976: Radio Kaleidoscope-II
1981- Present Day: Radio Kaleidoscope-III
More info:- Le blog de Radio Kaleidoscope » Le bulletin de l’association KDC THE PRESIDENT’S WORD By Chantal GRIMAUD Twenty years ago, Radio Kaleidoscope appeared on the airwaves. How many paths traveled from the apartment on the rue Sarah Bernhardt to Saint Martin d’Hères, in which the pioneers of RKS found each evening a little cramped, certainly, in these places transformed into a studio for the occasion, but nothing could restrain their ardor. It was also the time of the crazy equipped in Italy, in Padova, to bring back the necessary equipment, even to repair it. Then Kaéidoscope grew, structuring, and the first premises were born in the Olympic Village, many times reworked, thanks to the collaboration of all its members, one with a brush, the other with a hammer or a trowel. The first years, we must admit, were very difficult and our director, Vincent, had to deploy all his energy and his willingness that everyone knows him, to stay the course against all odds, and God knows that obstacles do not they were not spared. Today, Radio Kaleidoscope 97 FM, strong of its employees, overcame the obstacles: the computers replaced the tape recorders, the recording studios are modernized. Above all, our resort is recognized not only within our region, but also outside, which represents a great victory. January 17, 2002 Radio History A story of Freedom … Radio Kaleidoscope was born officially on December 7, 1981 in Saint Martin d’Hères. At the origin of this project, four Grenoble residents in the wind: Denis POIZAT, carpenter Guy RABASA, urban planner Philippe TRUCHE, commercial agent Vincent SOUSSI, filmmaker. Thus, on December 23, 1981, for the first time in our city, the inhabitants of Grenoble could hear on the FM band, broadcasts in foreign languages. This was the birth of this multi-cultural resort, a project that is still used as a reference 20 years after its creation. From December 1981 to March 1982, the programs, for three hours a day, were broadcast from a four-room apartment on Sarah Bernhardt Street in SMH. The first shows were in Spanish, English, Dutch and of course in French. Then came the big day. Sixty people motivated and involved in this adventure undertook the necessary work to build the studios, investing their time but also their money. Since April 1982, was inaugurated in the home of the Young Workers “Les Ecrins”, the new technical structure composed of studios of production and diffusion. From this date, about forty teams took turns to ensure the durability of the programs, namely 10 hours of programs per day. The desire to express a local culture and the desire to access the media must be within the reach of all: not only citizens of French nationality and their associations living in Grenoble, but also nationals of the countries foreigners and their associations which also contribute to the economic, social and cultural life of our city by constituting one of the specific components of the vital forces of our society. A local radio for all minorities and not for the benefit of a minority. Direct questions to the Director of Radio Kaleidoscope, Mr Vincent SOUSSI 1. One of the founding acts of Radio Kaleidoscope at its inception was to serve the minorities, without falling into the trap of communitarianism. Do you think the goal has been achieved twenty years later? Vincent SOUSSI: Absolutely. Whatever the community, the individual carries messages that are personal to him. Some may be perceived by the entire auditorate as a cultural transmission, others as a situation analysis approach that make our environment, so that we are all common. This is why, instead of closing in on a communal discourse, Kaleidoscope deliberately chose to mix cultures and therefore sensitivities. Finally it was the result of a natural approach, which throughout these 20 years, has involved more than 1500 individuals. 2. Radio Kaleidoscope displays iconoclastic and unconventional intentions and denounces certain social and economic issues. What is the impact of such a speech and the role that such a radio can play in the Grenoble audio-visual landscape (more and more consensual)? VS: Since its “earliest childhood”, Kaleidoscope by its positions on the fringes of traditional consumerist analyzes, has been trying to encourage reflection. Our society generates information that the media, with their conventionals, tend to minimize or grow according to the interests of the “sponsors”. The Kaleidoscope editorial team has set itself the objective of playing a sufficiently critical role to awaken the faculty of analysis of its auditorate. This gives it a special status in the regional PAF. 3. What were the difficulties and how did the transition between tradition (traditional, informal radio at the beginning) and modernity (radio using NICT) take place? VS: For a structure like ours, the greatest difficulty has always been economic. Like many associations, we depend on grants and goodwill policies. So we learned from the beginning, to make radio “with bits of string”! This obstacle course paradoxically allowed us subsequently to cross the digital stage without hindrance. Our proximity radio status has never stopped our desire to maintain our tool at the same level of transmission quality as that of the so-called “big stations”. Although our investment opportunities have been modest, our infrastructure is today like yesterday, at the forefront of technology. Our constant questioning at all levels, has greatly favoured the evolution of our radio project. 4. What prospects do you foresee in the medium term for this radio and do you plan to continue on the same initial objectives? VS: The originality of a project like that of Kaleidoscope is essentially based on the atypical aspect of its programs. In 20 years, we have gone through several phases, often under the influence of other stations. For 10 years, with the experience gained, we understood that the viability of the project rested on its originality. It is from this moment that in a certain way, we have “radicalized” our speech. In addition to our original social objectives, other more cultural projects have been added. If one had to formulate a wish for Kaleidoscope, it would be to amplify in its daily programming, its part of orality, namely more presence of storytellers, poets, writers, in order to protect the cultural heritage of a whole world. each. In conclusion, it is obvious that without the intellectual and militant contribution of these thousands of collaborators, that has known the radio since 1981, this marvellous adventure could not have been perpetuated in the time. The animators testify … Daniel and Denis de Bluesy: “… 100 years of blues is history. Twenty years of Kaleidoscope radio is our birthday. 15 years of bluesy is a story that begins to last and we will need 20 years to explore timeless music … “ Bluesy: Wednesday from 8pm to 9.30pm Fred of Creolity: “Kaleidoscope radio at 20 years old, congratulations to the management, who was able to maintain this waterfall with courage and few resources. A counter-current radio from the tidal wave of commercial media. What attracted me and comforted me is the independence, the plurality, the anticonformism of this radio. Say things, denounce, discover without any constraint. What we can do and say on frequency 97 would be almost impossible on another! … “ Creolity: Saturday from 13h30 to 15h Francisco de Que Do? “… we share your vision of what What to do, special? Friday from 17:30 to 19:30 Aboubaker of the World Time “Radio Kaleidoscope is celebrating its 20th anniversary. There is no point in recalling the celebration of the centenary of the promulgation of the Laws on Associations. Free Radio, Association Laws? all pursue the same fight; that of freedom. One of the fundamental acts of Human Rights. We had made the bet to talk about freedom explores on Radio Kaleidoscope: Time of the World explores these themes of freedom or liberation: that it is in Afghanistan, its wars; Palestine, its occupation; the struggles for the liberation of neocolonialism and liberalism; forgotten wars but which can reappear at any time. Yes, we are talking about these daily battles. And as André Malraux says: “to recognize the freedom of another is to give him reason against his own suffering”. Radio Kaleidoscope gives us the freedom to denounce these breaches of freedom. “ Le Temps du Monde, every Thursday from 18 to 19h and redif. Sunday at 14h Contact: RADIO KALEIDOSCOPE 97 FM
BP 422 38018 Grenoble cedex 01 – France Such. : 0476090909
Fax: 0476402923 E-mail: |
The name Radio Kaleidoscope has now been broadcasting for over 50 years … |